
The workshop started in the summer of 2016 at the contemporary Architects association in Tehran.
Tutors: Rojia Forouhar-Amirhossein Taheri. we wanted to create another possible Tehran parallel to the real one. We have given each a site in Tehran, which we had to visit and describe in a mostly objective text. There was a jury session on our texts and after that, we exchange our texts with each other without letting the other person know the site location. Each of us started to design a space based on the text. Finally narrative drawing of our projects.
I had given a text about Tajrish Bazar in Valiasr street, Tehran. The text seemed to have so many clues to a longer story. I joined the clues together and add some more details and stories to the original text.
When I finished designing I went there and take some notes and pictures. Then I completed my story with all these notes and I tried to make some connections between mine and the real.

At the first step of this workshop participants get to know principles ,rules and theory of architectural drawings and practice initial issues .In the following they were asked to divide to groups of 2 each ,then write to explain a dream. These dream could be their own or imagination. In continue each of texts gave other members the to design space about dreams. Formed spaces converted 3D models and argued between participants. After that, we decided to design the world of imagination on diverse scales. These drawings are trying to show participate attitude toward their imagination.
In this project, participants are aware of their imaginary storytelling manner that is important in architectural design has particular importance besides technical training.

The illustration of this project was made based on the shadow of the Wind By carlos Ruiz Zafon .

 An architectural expression towards  architectural imagination  

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